Devotion in Drought

Hey you. By putting out today’s blog post, I can confidently say that I am walking out the very concept that it speaks on. Similar to how last week’s post came about, I didn’t exactly know what to share today. Matter of fact, I will likely have just completed typing this by the time it is uploaded for you to read or hear(P.S : Exciting news! I am working on providing an audio alternative/component to all my blog posts. This one is specially for the listeners. I want to know that I have done all that I can to remove any obstacle that could hinder you from receiving the messages God gifts me. With audios, you are afforded the ability to multitask. Sooo, Ball’s in your court now!). Anyways, today’s topic as you well know by now is “Devotion in Drought”. Drought refers to a period of dryness, especially when prolonged. I said that this post is reflective of what I’m walking out right now because I truly felt like I didn’t have anything specific to give you today… I guess you could say it felt like a bit of a drought. But I made a commitment to blog weekly(unless the Lord says otherwise) and then it clicked… that is exactly what I’m to share today. When you stay devoted in seasons where it feels dry, that is a meeting place with God. Mhmm. It’ll forever be amazing to me how God can use pretty much anything to speak. Anything I tell you. Alright folks, I pray today’s post speaks to your heart. Let’s get into it!

A little while ago, I was reading through the book of Acts and amongst many things, there was something truly specific that jumped out at me, a pattern of some sorts – it was the way God would consistently meet people in the middle of their effort. Reading through chapters 8 to 10, I was blown away by how carefully He orchestrated interventions to help people and further their progress. In the middle of their seeking, and in the middle of their praying, even when these people didn’t know exactly what they needed, God honored their commitment by sending them help. This may all sound a bit abstract right now, but I really want you to see what I saw so let’s start by referencing scripture first, then we will talk about how this applies to our everyday life. I stroooongly encourage you to take out some time to study these scriptures. You could either pause now and read them, or read them afterwards, but for the purpose of today’s post, I will give an overview.

There were three stories in particular that caught my attention as it pertains to today’s post ; the first was the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch seen in Acts 8. In this story, Philip(a disciple of Christ) was led by an angel of the Lord to go South, down a desert road that runs from Jerusalem to Gaza. It was in his obedience that he met this Ethiopian Eunuch who was reading through the book of Isaiah aloud during his return from worshiping at Jerusalem. In obedience to the Holy Spirit, Philip walked alongside the carriage in which the eunuch rode, during which he heard the Eunuch reading aloud. Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading and essentially, the eunuch said ‘no’. So, here we have a man well-versed in the scripture – Philip, “randomly” meeting a man who was seeking for the very thing that he was equipped with. This was an opportunity for both Philip(to give) and the Eunuch(to receive) that was maximized as Philip began to explain scripture and share with him the good news of Jesus Christ. In little to no time, Philip had baptized him and his assignment in that place was done.

Now I don’t know about you(though I get a very strong sense that you will probably be able to relate to this too), but I have had seasons where God felt far from me. While there have been many times that I’ve studied the scriptures and left with an overload of insight and revelation, there have also been times where there was radio silence. Times where it felt as though I left with nothing. Times where there was no physical or emotional evidence of His presence. No God-winks, no goosebumps or chills, no mind-blowing insight or revolutionary encounter despite my tarrying and pressing in His presence. There are times where I have had to rely on principles and my knowledge of the truth to stay committed. Well, the story of this Eunuch really resonated with me because it shows a man who persisted, taking the time to read and study the Word despite the fact that he lacked understanding. He continued to read anyways, and that tells me he must have been hopeful that though there was a drought of understanding, his devotion could change that. And it did. The Lord responded to his devotion by sending an answer( aka Philip ) his way.

One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 45:19 and it reads;

“I publicly proclaim bold promises.
    I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner.
I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found.
I, the Lord, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.”

In my short lifetime, I have spoken to many people who have asked me how to build their relationship with God because they feel like nothing is happening when they pray, or when they read scripture…. they feel like it’s one-way. Of course, when you feel like your actions are not bearing fruit, it can get incredibly discouraging. And while I have by no means arrived, my first response is always this – “Don’t stop, keep seeking”. Of course, there are some practical steps that we may have to apply to help that process but my first thought is, ‘don’t give up!’. God is there, whether or not you feel like He is and He desires to be sought! However, He requires diligence and commitment in seeking Him. There is no shortage of scripture that tells us that the reward for seeking God is a find….(Heb 11:6, Prov 8:17, Jer 29:13, Deut 4:29, 2 Chr 7:14, etc). He has promised us Himself if we would seek him diligently, wholeheartedly, with our minds, with our souls, with devotion EVEN when we are yet to feel Him. Even when it seems as though there is a drought. Will you stay devoted in drought?

Although I’ve pretty much expressed and explained the message behind this post at this point, I would still like to go through the other two examples within those chapters that highlighted a pattern to me. I think it would benefit you to see this. In the subsequent chapter, Acts 9, the story of Saul’s(also known as Paul) conversion is detailed. As Saul was on the road to Damascus, eager to kill Christ followers, he encountered the Lord and was confronted by Him. Jesus stopped him in His tracks and as His light shone, Saul fell to the ground. After His word exchange with the Lord, when he attempted to open his eyes, he was blind and so his companions led him by hand to Damascus where he remained for 3 days and 3 nights with neither food nor drink.

Now, here’s the interesting part that aligns with today’s post, As Paul was praying, The Lord spoke to Ananais(a disciple of Christ) in a vision instructing Him to go and meet Saul. Saul was literally a murderer basically… who had been hell bent of destroying the lives of now called Christians. However, AS Saul sought God in prayer, The Lord sent Ananias to Him to not only help him regain his sight, but to lay his hands on him that he might be filled with the Holy Spirit. Now, I personally think that this goes without saying, but I don’t believe Saul even knew who the Holy Spirit was, much less realized a need to pray to be filled with Him. My guess would be that he prayed to the Lord for his sight, and Abba sent Him more! He sent Him what He really truly needed for what lay ahead – His Holy Spirit. God sent Ananais to Saul AS Saul sought the Lord’s face.

The final instance I’ll refer to is that of Peter and Cornelius in Acts 10. Cornelius was a Roman centurion who is described in the Bible as a devout and God-fearing man who prayed regularly and gave generously to those in need. Please pay attention to where He was – he was in a pattern of praying (seeking God) and giving. As He did this, the Lord spoke to him in a vision first acknowledging his efforts (prayers and generosity), and then instructing him to summon Peter. It was in Cornelius’s devotion that the Lord gave instructions to Him that would radically change his life. On the other side, Peter also had a vision which the Lord used to prepare his heart for the assignment he would soon have with Cornelius. When Peter met with Cornelius, he was able to share the good news, during which the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and all who were listening, and they were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

All three of these people, in three consecutive chapters, experienced a radical and transformative encounter with God as they sought His face. The eunuch committed to reading the scripture though he did not understand yet, Saul was in the middle of praying to God and Cornelius was a devout man who had been devoted in prayer and giving. All three of them needed more than they knew they needed, and God sent people their way to provide what they did not know to ask for. He met them as they stayed devoted in what seemed like drought.

If I were to sum up the purpose of entire post, what I’m really trying to tell you about is God’s intentionality to send help and meet us as we try. I know you may not see the results just yet but stay persistent. Stay faithful. Stay devoted. Fruit is on the way.

In Mat 7:7, Jesus says “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Don’t give up my friend, keep knocking. Keep asking. Don’t stop seeking. Just like the Lord said concerning Jerusalem in Isaiah 60:22, I believe He is saying the same to us today. I need you to trust Him as you read His words. He is saying “At the right time, I the Lord will make it happen”.

The Lord honors effort. Wherever you are in your walk, and in whatever way this speaks to you – whether you’re trying to grow in your knowledge of God and in relationship with Him, or you’re trying to walk out the assignment He’s given you, or you’re simply trying to stay faithful in pleasing Him and choosing Him over all the pleasures of the world, don’t stop trying. The Holy Spirit is your helper. You have help and your faithfulness will have a reward.

Now if you’ve been reading this blog consistently ,you know very well that although I have referenced many scriptures today, there was no way I would end without this particular one. Seems to be a theme for the year. Actually, scratch that, it’s a theme for life lol. If you’re wondering what I’m going on about, it’s Heb 10:36 and we’ll end with this. It says;

“Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.”

Hold on for your promise.

I hope today’s blog post spoke to your heart.
I love you, but as always, I need you to know that God loves you more 💕.
Catch you in our next blog post!

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