Hey You. Thank you for meeting me here again, it’s honestly humbling that you would take the time to feed on what I’ve put out today, and I never take that for granted. It’s even more humbling that God would choose to use me, it is my prayer that this remains the posture of my heart forever. I didn’t think I’d have a blog post for you this week but the Holy Spirit is churning things out, so here I am. As always, this is a message that I’ve needed. I’ve been thinking about this sporadically for some time, but I think with where I’m at now, there is a need for me to really sink my teeth into this one.

In full transparency, it’s been a very odd week for me so far. I’ve been dealing with apathy which was spurred on by a deep exhaustion. Not tiredness, exhaustion. There was a dark cloud trying to station itself over my head, and I’ve been fighting. Now listen, this is not new, having been a victor of a long-standing battle in my mind by the grace of God, I am familiar with the warning signs of an incoming siege. I believe that’s what this was – a signal to vet my armor, and pick up my weapons. I know this. I knew this. I am fully aware that this was more than the winter blues, but rather, spiritual warfare. However, my knowledge of the truth did not stop the weariness I felt, I didn’t have a desire to fight.

The indifference and apathy was the result of feeling worn out. I’ve heard it said that the devil will try to wear you down or wear you out, and that’s precisely what he was doing. Well, in moments like that, you need history to refer to, it’s one of the many weapons we have in our arsenal to conquer the enemy – Remembrance. Remember God’s faithfulness. Remember what He revealed to you. Remember your weapons and strategies. Remember the devil’s schemes. In the same vein, I was reminded that another weapon in our arsenal is Love. And Love keeps no record of wrongs – A healthy dose of forgetfulness. I heard Samuel L Jackson once say something that stuck with me; He said that the secret to a healthy marriage is a healthy dose of amnesia. I concur. The dance between both of these things is where today’s post was birthed from.

As believers, there is equally a place for remembrance as there is for forgetfulness.
There are certain things we ought to make it our mandate to remember, and others we must posture ourselves to forget

If you missed it, the title of today’s blog post is almost like a double entendre, it’s twofold – DO look back, and DON’T look back. This is because as believers, there is equally a place for remembrance as there is for forgetfulness. There are certain things we ought to make it our mandate to remember, and others we must posture ourselves to forget. The same Bible that tells us to remember the wonders performed in the past (Ps 105:5, Isaiah 46:9), tells us to forget the former things(Isaiah 43:19). And the same God that told the church in Ephesus to remember from where they had fallen in order to do the works they did at first(Rev 2:3), makes it known to us that Love keeps no record of wrongs.. In other words, you should be open to forgetting faults.

As the Lord once told me at a time that I was dealing with some serious hurt while asking the Lord to help me heal, “stop meditating on the offence”. This was not an instruction to pretend that what happened didn’t happen, not at all. It was an instruction to let go of the records I was holding on to to justify my hurt. It was an instruction to stop feeding the beast of resentment with my meditation. It was an instruction to stop working against myself and my prayers to the Lord asking him to help me to forgive by feeding bitterness. It was an instruction to be willing to forget.

Stop meditating on the offence.
Quit feeding the beast of resentment with your meditation.

God’s word does not contradict itself, neither is God a God of confusion to His people (confusion all the way in the enemy’s camp though lol, we love it.). So, the mandates to remember and to forget are not mutually exclusive, context is king. We are to remember the mighty wonders the Lord has performed in the past as a reference point, not as a yardstick that caps God’s ability. We are to remember the Lord’s faithfulness towards us in times past as a reminder that He is more than able. We are to remember the life-long principles, instructions and revelations that the Lord gives us so that we can continue to apply them today.

Remember the mighty wonders the Lord has performed in the past as a reference point, not as a yardstick that caps God’s ability.

I think it’s very fitting that though this post was completely unplanned(this seems to be the trend lately), the Lord would nudge me to write and put this out today, Dec 1st – the 1st day of the last month of the year. It’s a great time to sit back and reflect on the past 11 months and how God has kept you. In that light, I want to remind you, your testimony may not look like that of the next man right now but it is not any less of a testimony. Preservation is more glorious than we often realize.

I also want to implore you to search your heart, ask the Lord to help you to reveal any unforgiveness, bitterness or resentment that resides there. Unforgiveness is a weight that only slows us down. It becomes a hinderance to our walk with the Lord, and it is always to our detriment. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. May the Lord give you the strength to let go and forgive for your freedom, in Jesus Name. Amen

Happy New Month folks! Look Back, but for the right reasons.
I love you and God Loves You More 💕

Referenced Scriptures

“But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” – Isaiah 43:19

“Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given” – Ps 105:5

“Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first.” – Rev 2:5

“Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me.” – Isaiah 46:9

 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. ” – 1 Cor 13:4-5

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