New Wineskins

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Happy New Year family!
We made it! 2024 is here and I’m hopeful that this year will be my best year yet. I pray the same is true for you in Jesus’ Name. Amen

I started typing this post from the airport on the very 1st day of 2024. Yes, I crossed over in the sky. And no, surprisingly, this is not my first time doing that – it’s the 3rd. Now that I think of it, it’s actually quite interesting how I’m physically in transit during a time known for transition. Wow. The ways in which God speaks are epic. That, my friend, is symbolic and I only just realized it in real time.

Anyways, I know the ‘ideal’ scenario may be to be in a still and steady place so you can isolate and worship. Or crossover in church. Both of these are amazing, and honestly preferable to me, yet I’m aware that the stillness of heart and mind is of more concern to God than that of our physical bodies. It’s a beautiful thing is that our communion with the Lord cannot be stuffed within the confines of only a time and place. He’s everywhere. He’s with me whether I ascend into heaven or make my bed in hell. In my sitting and my standing up. {Ps 139} When I’m all ‘alone’ and no one sees what I’m truly dealing with, He’s there. He’s here. I’m in awe at how kind and present God is. His consistency and faithfulness steadily blows my mind. I desire to preserve that awe, so help me God. To know that I always have Him, no matter what… is … priceless. The same applies to you, friend. You’ve got a constant friend and companion in Him.

The stillness of heart and mind is of more concern to God than that of our physical bodies.

Join me in this prayer real quick: God, I thank you. I thank you for loving me so intimately. I thank you for being so present and available. Though you already know everything I have to tell you, it doesn’t stop you from leaning over, stooping down and pressing your ear to my lips as you encourage me to speak. Somehow, in all your glory and majesty, in your bigness and supremacy, you found that as motivation for coming down to accommodate and relate with me. What a lover. What a lover of my soul. God, I love you. And I know that love’s not just a feeling, but a commitment too which is proven by conduct, and by the way I live. So please help me to live like it Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

That took a turn lol, but I guess we could agree that that has become customary at this point. To the matter of the day – I’ve had this portion of scripture ringing in my mind and it seems fitting for the new year. I sense God is trying to highlight something here so, let’s zero in;

Then Jesus gave them this illustration: “No one tears a piece of cloth from a new garment and uses it to patch an old garment. For then the new garment would be ruined, and the new patch wouldn’t even match the old garment. “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the new wine would burst the wineskins, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine must be stored in new wineskins. ” Luke 5:37-39

I’ve been sensing the Lord speak to me regarding 2024 and one of the words that it’s been characterized by is ‘new‘. Now I know that seems obvious because it is a “new” year according to the Gregorian Calendar, yet the manner in which the Lord has been highlighting it to me has an emphasis on what it implies for our movement this year. The seeds we sow in this season must be fitting for the harvest we anticipate. Your old strategies, placement, preparation and conduct must be submitted to the Lord as He ushers you into newness. In this new season , the Lord may require you to adopt new strategies, engage in new relationships, pick up new disciplines, shift positions and release old commitments. You must be willing to let go of some of the commitments you made in an old season, some of which may have been ordained by God for that time, in order to make new commitments for your present – new season.

The seeds you sow in this season must be fitting for the harvest you anticipate.

In the portion of scripture, Jesus highlighted the ramifications of trying to mix the old with new. He uses the analogy of garments and wineskins to pass across His message. For clarity and context, a wineskin is an ancient type of bottle made of leathered animal skin, usually from goats or sheep, used to store or transport wine. Wineskins are vessels used to carry and transport. In the verses above, Jesus makes the point that old wineskins are unable to store new wine, and new garments are unable to patch old garments with longevity. Old garments and old wineskins refer to the old ways of doing things that you may have adopted in the past. It could be the strategies, disciplines, plans, structures or boundaries that you held on to in order to carry you from point A to point B. And mind you, the ‘past’ could literally be referring 4 days ago – Dec 31st 2023. The fact that they may have served you well for your previous season does not imply that they would be suitable for today.

What is your old garment? What are your old wineskins? What are the old modes of doing things that the Lord is asking you to shed? Is He calling you to pivot? Have you become loyal to outdated instructions? Trying to pour new wine into old wineskins will result in loss – spilt wine. Your new anointing for this new season may require new guardrails to accommodate its fruit. And the potency of your anointing for today may need stronger boundaries and disciplines. The pace the Lord has for you this year may require you to shift gears.
So let me ask you: Are you ready for new?

Have you become loyal to outdated instructions? Trying to pour new wine into old wineskins will result in loss.

Over the Christmas break, I travelled to a couple countries in West Africa. From Canada to Nigeria, I went by air (I know, obviouslyyyy right?.. hang on with me. I’ve got a point). From Nigeria to Ghana, I went by air once again, however, the plane was smaller. The vessel in which I transited with, or was transported via, was fitted to accommodate the distance and altitude of my journey. Within Ghana and Nigeria, I primarily got around by car – once again, a different vessel. Just as your physical transit requires vessels fitting for the distance you are going, and the altitude you are going at, your transition into this new season may require a switch in vessels (aka wineskins). Be cognizant of what you need for your movement in your current journey. You may not know, but the Lord does. Consult Him, ask Him and He will lead you.

Just as your physical transit requires vessels fitting for the distance you are going, and the altitude you are going at, your transition into this new season may require a switch in vessels . Be cognizant of what you need for your current journey, today.

I want to encourage you, As you seek the Lord regarding 2024, do not stop at asking the Lord to reveal His plan for you this year. Take a step further and ask Him to reveal the steps and strategies He will have you adopt in order to walk in His will for you in this new season. You need to know the wineskins fitting for you.

You cannot sow apple seeds and expect coconut trees, what you put in inevitably impacts what you get out.

As a society, new year resolutions are typical. Yet, many are quick to carry over old patterns into the new year hoping for a different result. You cannot sow apple seeds and expect coconut trees, what you put in inevitably impacts what you get out. So, sow now. Sow intentionally, and sow with caution. The harvest depends on it.

Let your ‘walk’ and ‘work’ be evidence of your agreement with the Most High.

In summary, here’s the essence of this post : This year, Cooperate with God.
In order to walk in the fulness of the new thing God has for you, you must cooperate with Him.
Let your walk and work be evidence of your agreement with the Most High.
There is plenty on the other side of your cooperation.
Excellence is waiting on you to cooperate.
Increase is waiting on you.
Fulfillment is waiting on you.
Success is waiting on you.
Waiting on you to obey diligently and consistently.

Before wrapping this up, I cannot afford to neglect a group of people who may be reading this: there are many who have been sowing diligently and consistently and are yet to see the harvest. Many people who have been in the crowd cheering as those around them have testified of answered prayers in their lives while simultaneously waiting on God to move in their own situation and change things for the better. People who are waiting to join the line up of those testifying.
God sees you. Know this: As you continue to celebrate others despite your weariness in waiting, the Lord will make good on His promise to you. And when He does, you will know that there couldn’t have been a better time.

My beloved friend put up a blog post that thoroughly blessed me and I could not not share. It’s incredibly encouraging and I have no doubt that it will bless you just as it blessed me. I strongly encourage you to take a read and let it be fuel as you charge through 2024. The Lord’s not done with you yet. Read “Welcome to THE LEAP year: 2024”.

I love you, but God loves you more. 💕
He loves you immeasurably and infinitely. more and there is no safer place to be than in His love.
See you in my next blog post!

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