
Purpose in Suffering

Suffering shows up in different forms – physical, mental, emotional, etc. Whatever the case, suffering refers to some sort of hardship, pain or distress, and we all can testify that we’ve been there. Maybe you’re there right now. You may have sought God earnestly to deliver you from something, and He may be saying that His grace is sufficient. It’s now clear to me that while God does not necessarily orchestrate every hardship we face,…

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God Wants to Help You

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help?  My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” Ps 121:1-2

Hi Beloved. I hope you are well. Wherever you may find yourself today, in this moment, I’m here to remind you that you have a helper who is not only able to help you, but is willing. God wants to help you. He desires to be your strength, your shield, your refuge,…

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A Couple things about Biblical ‘Meditation’

Hey You. It’s another week and I’ve got another word for you. Or rather, perhaps, God has a word for you. But let’s start here – How are you? How have you been? Now I know we tend to have a robotic response to that question that goes along the lines of “I’m good”, “I’m okay” or “I’m fine”, but I really want you to pause, soul search and honestly ask yourself “How am I?”…

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Control is an Illusion.

Hi friend. Trying to control the outcome of things in life can be sooo exhausting. It’s because we weren’t built for that. Today’s post is one from my personal archive. You’re essentially getting to read a page from my journal, so this one may feel a bit more personable. Without giving much thought on what to post today, I knew this was the one because this draft has been running through my mind all week.…

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The Glory of Authenticity

Do you know just how special you are? Do you understand the level of detail involved in your making? You Are Custom – One Of A Kind. Similar to how there’d always be a heavy pricetag on custom jewelry at your jewelry store, the value you carry is immense. Difference is, you are priceless, meaning that there is no monetary value that can account for the beauty that is you. No, really think about it..…

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Watch Your Words

Hey you, I hope you are well. I’m thankful that you’ve taken the time to meet me here, but more importantly, it is my prayer that you meet God here. I pray that He speaks to you in a way that is directly applicable to your life, here and now. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Another week, Another Word by the Grace of God. Today’s post is a little different as it’ll be a massively condensed…

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The Pressure is Getting Wesser

Hey friends! So in the spirit of “love month”, I decided to pivot and go with the theme. Clearly, from the title, you can see I chose violence today. Lmao, just kidding y’all. But on a more serious note, I’m no expert on relationships and marriage but the Holy Spirit is. I thought it wise to share a few thoughts and insights. A little sneak peak into my perspective on romantic relationships could offer some…

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“Where I Am”

Hey friend. There is a verse that’s been leaping off the page for me recently. For some reason, it keeps coming up and I am unable to get it off my mind. I have felt the need to write on it, or share the insight via any medium I can because it is such a timely and ‘ in season’ message. Short and Simple, but crucial. Needless to say, the Lord knows how to get…

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Back to the Basics

Hey you. We’re officially 3 weeks into the new year and, I hope that you are hopeful for the year ahead. Hope… It may seem small but it is essential. Hope is the only thing that keeps you holding on. Hope is the supply for faith. Hope is fuel. Hope is an investment, and when invested in the right place, a return is guaranteed. A worthwhile return. Don’t give up on hope, friend. Stay hopeful.…

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Pay Attention : A Conversation with God (With Audio)

Hey you. I’ve gotta to be honest and straight up with you, this particular post? I need it. I still don’t have a script or clear template of what I’m gonna share today but I am writing this in real time as the Lord is speaking to me. I sense it deep in my soul and spirit that He wants to speak to me about attention today. And umm, let’s be honest, today’s world programs…

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