God Wants to Help You

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? 
My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”
Ps 121:1-2

Hi Beloved. I hope you are well. Wherever you may find yourself today, in this moment, I’m here to remind you that you have a helper who is not only able to help you, but is willing. God wants to help you. He desires to be your strength, your shield, your refuge, your everything. He has consistently proven this over and over again, and the Holy Spirit residing in us is evidence of His advocacy for us. He is for us. He is for you friend, believe it.

Listen to the audio blog here :https://open.spotify.com/episode/1SFM1gbtqh5HVSGrjPZADr?si=0W1lvpiTTOOeBYc67XmiOQ

Or read the full blog post by following the link below. It just may bless you 🤍

A Couple things about Biblical ‘Meditation’

Hey You. It’s another week and I’ve got another word for you. Or rather, perhaps, God has a word for you. But let’s start here – How are you? How have you been? Now I know we tend to have a robotic response to that question that goes along the lines of “I’m good”, “I’mContinue reading “A Couple things about Biblical ‘Meditation’”

The Glory of Authenticity

Do you know just how special you are? Do you understand the level of detail involved in your making? You Are Custom – One Of A Kind. Similar to how there’d always be a heavy pricetag on custom jewelry at your jewelry store, the value you carry is immense. Difference is, you are priceless, meaningContinue reading “The Glory of Authenticity”

Back to the Basics

Hey you. We’re officially 3 weeks into the new year and, I hope that you are hopeful for the year ahead. Hope… It may seem small but it is essential. Hope is the only thing that keeps you holding on. Hope is the supply for faith. Hope is fuel. Hope is an investment, and whenContinue reading “Back to the Basics”

“Good” Friday: Hold on to your testimony

Hello beautiful people. Happy New Month! And even better and more meaningful, Happy Good Friday! Oh how beautiful a love that caused a pure sinless man to suffer extensively and die in order to give many the choice to life, ABUNDANT life. That Kind of love…. no words. Just soak in that, He loves YOUContinue reading ““Good” Friday: Hold on to your testimony”

Don’t Give Up

Hey You. This is a simple, short and unplanned post but I know someone needs this. If that someone is you, this is a reminder – some encouragement to keep going. Don’t give up. Are you here? You may be tired, exhausted and questioning the purpose of your life. It feels easier right now toContinue reading “Don’t Give Up”