God Wants to Help You

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? 
My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”
Ps 121:1-2

Hi Beloved. I hope you are well. Wherever you may find yourself today, in this moment, I’m here to remind you that you have a helper who is not only able to help you, but is willing. God wants to help you. He desires to be your strength, your shield, your refuge, your everything. He has consistently proven this over and over again, and the Holy Spirit residing in us is evidence of His advocacy for us. He is for us. He is for you friend, believe it.

Listen to the audio blog here :https://open.spotify.com/episode/1SFM1gbtqh5HVSGrjPZADr?si=0W1lvpiTTOOeBYc67XmiOQ

Or read the full blog post by following the link below. It just may bless you 🤍

Your “Ask” Key 🔑

Happy New Month beautiful people! August so fast?! I don’ believe ettt. It’s crazy how we’re already more than halfway though the year. God has been faithful. As challenging as this year may have been for you (Me? I’ve been through it this year- tried, tested and refined) , the fact that you’re breathing andContinue reading “Your “Ask” Key 🔑”