Devotion in Drought

Hey you. By putting out today’s blog post, I can confidently say that I am walking out the very concept that it speaks on. Similar to how last week’s post came about, I didn’t exactly know what to share today. Matter of fact, I will likely have just completed typing this by the time itContinue reading “Devotion in Drought”

Run To The Father (Like A Child)

Hey you. Some months ago, I witnessed a common scene occur but something about this time triggered a light bulb in my head. God, in His kindness, used it to speak to me about the safety of standing in sonship and I’m here to share that with you. To be honest, I had no ideaContinue reading “Run To The Father (Like A Child)”

You Can Still Finish 🏁

Hey beautiful! Hello Handsome! Thanks for taking the time to read this, I believe it’ll be worth your while. It’s going to be worth it not because of anything special I’ve got going on but simply because any Word from God has the potential to radically transform your life for the better and I’m hereContinue reading “You Can Still Finish 🏁”

The Lies that We believe(d)

I can’t really say why most of us seem to naturally gravitate towards lies. Why is it easier to believe a lie than the truth? Is it because we don’t have our spiritual lens on? That would make sense… after all, if the truth contradicts what we are able to see, one would say it’s logical to deem it a lie. That’s where we get trapped. Lies don’t have any power if we don’t believe them.

The Paralytic called “Fear”

About a week ago, I came across the cutest video on instagram; it was of a baby boy taking his very first steps. Nothing new, I know, but this one really got me thinking. As I watched this adorable child reach this significant milestone, it was as though God was whispering to my heart. HeContinue reading “The Paralytic called “Fear””

Your “Ask” Key 🔑

Happy New Month beautiful people! August so fast?! I don’ believe ettt. It’s crazy how we’re already more than halfway though the year. God has been faithful. As challenging as this year may have been for you (Me? I’ve been through it this year- tried, tested and refined) , the fact that you’re breathing andContinue reading “Your “Ask” Key 🔑”

Drown the Lies. Amplify the Truth.

Hey You. Long time no post. It feels as though I’ve literally walked through fire and water to get back on here and it truly is a miracle that I’m still standing. There was a time in my life where I massively downplayed the work of the enemy …. how naive of me. Let meContinue reading “Drown the Lies. Amplify the Truth.”

“Is What I see not enough?”

Hey you. I was having a conversation with God sometime last week … the same conversation I’ve been having with Him a number of times over the past few months now. It was surrounding the topic of being misunderstood and the title of this blog post was the exact phrase I sensed drop in myContinue reading ““Is What I see not enough?””

“Good” Friday: Hold on to your testimony

Hello beautiful people. Happy New Month! And even better and more meaningful, Happy Good Friday! Oh how beautiful a love that caused a pure sinless man to suffer extensively and die in order to give many the choice to life, ABUNDANT life. That Kind of love…. no words. Just soak in that, He loves YOUContinue reading ““Good” Friday: Hold on to your testimony”

Don’t Give Up

Hey You. This is a simple, short and unplanned post but I know someone needs this. If that someone is you, this is a reminder – some encouragement to keep going. Don’t give up. Are you here? You may be tired, exhausted and questioning the purpose of your life. It feels easier right now toContinue reading “Don’t Give Up”