“Where I Am”

Hey friend. There is a verse that’s been leaping off the page for me recently. For some reason, it keeps coming up and I am unable to get it off my mind. I have felt the need to write on it, or share the insight via any medium I can because it is such aContinue reading ““Where I Am””

The ‘god’ called convenience {Death By Convenience Cont’d}

There’s a lot to be said about the danger of convenience. Many times, it comes down to convenience or Obedience and we all know the wiser choice though we do not always choose right.

In this post, I share some revelations I’ve received about convenience to get down to the root of some issues you may be facing, and to help you better assess your choices.

The Lies that We believe(d)

I can’t really say why most of us seem to naturally gravitate towards lies. Why is it easier to believe a lie than the truth? Is it because we don’t have our spiritual lens on? That would make sense… after all, if the truth contradicts what we are able to see, one would say it’s logical to deem it a lie. That’s where we get trapped. Lies don’t have any power if we don’t believe them.

You Must Choose.

Would YOU be content if the only people that understood you for a season were you and God? Of course everyone wants to be understood, but what is the reason behind your need to explain yourself?… Is it primarily to cover the other person for their benefit? Or is it because you want to correct their perception of you? Why are you adamant about proving your self? Let’s talk about people-pleasing.

“Is What I see not enough?”

Hey you. I was having a conversation with God sometime last week … the same conversation I’ve been having with Him a number of times over the past few months now. It was surrounding the topic of being misunderstood and the title of this blog post was the exact phrase I sensed drop in myContinue reading ““Is What I see not enough?””

“Good” Friday: Hold on to your testimony

Hello beautiful people. Happy New Month! And even better and more meaningful, Happy Good Friday! Oh how beautiful a love that caused a pure sinless man to suffer extensively and die in order to give many the choice to life, ABUNDANT life. That Kind of love…. no words. Just soak in that, He loves YOUContinue reading ““Good” Friday: Hold on to your testimony”

BUILD in Babylon

Boyyy, it feels like it’s been a while since I posted and I know it hasn’t even been that long … the last post was only about a week ago. Nonetheless, I’ve been itching to write something for you. You may not believe this but I haven’t posted lately because I have had TOO muchContinue reading “BUILD in Babylon”