Purpose in Suffering

Suffering shows up in different forms – physical, mental, emotional, etc. Whatever the case, suffering refers to some sort of hardship, pain or distress, and we all can testify that we’ve been there. Maybe you’re there right now. You may have sought God earnestly to deliver you from something, and He may be saying that His grace is sufficient. It’s now clear to me that while God does not necessarily orchestrate every hardship we face, He does permit them. Why? Well, that’s some of what we’re about to dive into. To keep today’s post relatively short, I will be sharing just four lessons I’ve learnt on suffering to help you reframe your suffering : Past, Present & Future.

BUILD in Babylon

Boyyy, it feels like it’s been a while since I posted and I know it hasn’t even been that long … the last post was only about a week ago. Nonetheless, I’ve been itching to write something for you. You may not believe this but I haven’t posted lately because I have had TOO muchContinue reading “BUILD in Babylon”