“Where I Am”

Hey friend. There is a verse that’s been leaping off the page for me recently. For some reason, it keeps coming up and I am unable to get it off my mind. I have felt the need to write on it, or share the insight via any medium I can because it is such aContinue reading ““Where I Am””

New Wineskins

Happy New Year family! We made it! 2024 is here and I’m hopeful that this year will be my best year yet. I pray the same is true for you in Jesus’ Name. Amen I started typing this post from the airport on the very 1st day of 2024. Yes, I crossed over in theContinue reading “New Wineskins”

The Paralytic called “Fear”

About a week ago, I came across the cutest video on instagram; it was of a baby boy taking his very first steps. Nothing new, I know, but this one really got me thinking. As I watched this adorable child reach this significant milestone, it was as though God was whispering to my heart. HeContinue reading “The Paralytic called “Fear””

Fluid Communion ( Switching Postures )

Something I’ve been learning lately is that there will be seasons where we don’t necessarily “feel” God in the way that we’ve grown accustomed to. There will be times where we will have to fall back on principles and truth to keep us going. This was one of those weeks for me and God gave me insight that freed me from the guilt I was carrying because I felt I was not doing enough to press in and make room for Him. Actually, that wasn’t the case at all – He was showing me a different manifestation of His presence… it just felt different and uncomfortable because I yearned for the familiar.

Unknowingly, many of us have sensationalized the presence of God and confined His expression to what is comfortable and familiar. Communion with God can look like 12 hours with just you and Him – worshipping, meditating, reading the word – that’s great. Communion with Him can also look like a full day of work, service and intercession… as long as you bring Him with you. It may not be a sitting season for you, maybe it’s time to walk and work- just do it WITH Him and not solely FOR Him. Partnership requires partners to be present and involved, that’s what God lets us in on – A divine partnership. Free yourself from the guilt that comes with boxing Him in.